
If you're here, you're probably looking for my campaign page. I appreciate you for visiting, but, to my (and maybe your??) chagrin, I lost the race. I know, it's a bummer! 

Running for office is the most challenging thing I’ve ever done, and that includes birthing and raising two humans. It has been equal parts heartbreaking and heartwarming, as all difficult tasks seem to be. The heartbreaking parts deserve their own therapy sessions, so I won’t burden you with those. But the heartwarming parts deserve celebration:

First, I want to thank every person who volunteered to help with the campaign. Every message you sent me encouraging me to keep going, every postcard you wrote, every door you knocked, every dollar you donated, every event/task you organized was meaningful. I cried so many happy tears over the last six months when someone would offer to help me win this race. You all kept me going and I could not have done this without you, literally. I will never forget it. 

Second, I want to celebrate how amazing my District 8 neighbors are. I knocked over 7,000 doors during the campaign and met thousands of new people. We had so many insightful, caring conversations these past six months. I know, regardless of who’s our Council Person, this neighborhood is in fantastic hands. The power of change is born of community and we have that in abundance. 

Lastly, this campaign taught me how truly amazing District 8 is. Having grown up here and deciding to raise my family here, I knew a lot about the Highlands, but I didn’t know everything. As I made my way through every precinct in District 8, I learned about new community-based efforts in almost every single one. From porch parties to neighborhood events to community-sustained parks, I’m here to tell you: District 8 knows how to build community. Now that the campaign is over, I can’t wait to get back to work in my own neighborhood! 

The outcome of this election is, obviously, one of the heartbreaking parts of the campaign. But, as anyone who knows me knows, I never quit. So you’ll still catch me out in Beechwood Park, Tyler Park, or Bloom putting in the work to make our community even better because change happens at the hyper-local level through the work of dedicated citizens. 

Can’t wait to see y’all out there!